Thursday, December 31, 2020

 December 7, 2020

Yesterday I had a very special treat. In this time of COVID I don't leave the house much. Consequently I don't see many people. Sunday is usually one day I get out. Yesterday was even better than usual.
We usually start our day with our Church broadcast since we have been unable to meet together for so long. I'm glad we can start gathering in a little larger group next week. After our broadcast we have a weekly zoom meeting with some family and friends where we have kind of a Sunday School class. We love it as we get to share and talk about the principles of the Gospel and how we can apply them in our lives. It motivates us throughout the week as we study the scriptures so we will have something to contribute. I love it.
Then after our Zoom meeting Steve and I visit a very special Sister in our Ward and share the Sacrament with her. Sassie is the epitome of Christlike love. She is full of charity and spends all year putting together large gift bags or boxes to help people in shelters. She gathers things all year. She receives many donations, but she also buys many things from her meager funds. She also knits or crochets or sews all sorts of things from hats and mittens to lap quilts or anything else she can think of. She even makes doll clothes if she gets some dolls donated for her boxes. I am totally AMAZED by her. Needless to say we always have a wonderful visit with her.
That is my usual Sunday. Yesterday, I was able to visit three of my children also. Well, one family I only visited with one of their kids, but that still counts. After our visit to Sassie we went to our son's house in Oregon City for a brief visit and to drop off a birthday present for a granddaughter turning 15. She is the same granddaughter I carefully laid on the ground when I broke my foot 13 years ago. From there we went to our daughter's home in Canby where we were invited to dinner and to watch the First Presidency Christmas Broadcast.
It was such a treat to be surrounded my so many of my grandchildren. I miss their hugs and long for the day when we can more freely visit loved ones and friends without fear breaking some mandate or other COVID restriction.
I am so grateful for my family!
Kylee Wilcox, Pamela Watkins Gustin and 25 others

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