Thursday, December 31, 2020

 December 13, 2020

There are two words or phrases in the Scriptures that fill me with love and peace. The first is "peaceable followers of Christ". For some reason I just love that word, "peaceable". It is comforting to me. I can't explain it but it almost gives me a little thrill when I read it. I think because Jesus is the Prince of Peace and being a peaceable follower of Christ reminds me that I have taken His name upon me and that I am striving to be like Him.
The other word that means a lot to me in the Scriptures is how many times the Savior calls His servants His "friends". There are so many times in the Doctrine and Covenants that He says things like "my friends, behold, I will give unto you a revelation and commandment..." or "I say unto you, my friends, for from henceforth I shall call you friends..." or "I now send upon you another Comforter, even upon you my friends..." Those are such comforting words to me. The Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior and our Redeemer, the Prince of Peace, the Bread of Life, and so many other wonderful titles is also our Friend and we are His friends. I love that!
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Kylee Wilcox, Pamela Watkins Gustin and 5 others
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