Thursday, December 31, 2020

 October 6, 2020

A good friend of mine summed up what I have been thinking. I would like to share the beautiful words of Jane Sabin.


Over the weekend I had the awesome opportunity to be uplifted, encouraged, and taught precious truths by leaders in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Men and women who have been called of God testified of Jesus Christ and encouraged people of all faiths everywhere to seek Jesus Christ, focus daily on what is good, let virtue garnish our thoughts, let God prevail in our lives and empower and strengthen us to get through our personal trials and also through the difficult times we face as we prepare for the second of Jesus Christ.

They taught that we can overcome feeling hopeless and helpless through our faith in Jesus Christ. We can be mended and made whole and our burdens can be lightened because Jesus Christ knows what we need. We learned that our trials and adversities can be so painful and difficult because we have to grow in spiritual stature to live in God's presence. Trials are not a punishment or a sign that God has abandoned us. 

My spirit was nourished and my soul fed the words I needed to hear. Our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, left us with this wonderful counsel that can apply to all of us: 

1. create places of safety where faith and the Spirit of God preside; 

2. prepare our minds to be faithful to God;

3. never stop preparing to thrive in turbulent times. 

Embrace the future with faith not fear. How thankful I am for such an inspiring weekend.


Thank you Jane for your beautiful words.

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