Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I love this time of year because we have lots of opportunities to get together as a family. As my children got married I devised a plan so I could have the whole family together for both Thanksgiving and Christmas every year. It was simple. I would let the in-laws have the kids for the actual holiday and I would get them the day after Thanksgiving and on Christmas Eve. The first could of years we had a conflict with one of our daughter's in laws. They wanted them on Christmas Eve too. After a few years of trading back and forth, we decided to invite the in-laws to our house for Christmas Eve so they could see our family traditions and why we needed all the kids there. It worked. After that year they agreed we could have them every year and they moved their celebration to a different day.

Our family gatherings have grown over the years. We are now up to 25 people! Next year will bring the total to 26. We have so much fun just being together. All the grand kids love playing with their cousins and they all get along very well. This Thanksgiving there was so much laughter during dinner we could hardly carry on a conversation. They food is great and abundant. After dinner we played Apples to Apples and have a wonderful time.

I really look forward to Christmas Eve. We all gather at our son's house to enjoy the holiday. He has the perfect house to entertain. Last year it snowed so we met earlier than normal. They kids had a great time playing in the snow. Everyone decided they want to start earlier this year so the kids can play outside again.

There is usually a fun activity for the kids to do, such as making ginger bread houses or Christmas ornaments. After we've played and eaten we gather for our traditional nativity play. We have been doing this since our children were small. Now the grand kids perform. We still have one adult in the play. That is our son who always plays the Inn Keeper. Sometimes he enlists the help of a couple other grownups, but it is always very entertaining. Our Inn Keeper has been a number of characters over the years from Shrek and Donkey, to the three characters from Princess Bride, to a newscaster and weather reporter last year during the snow storm. We can hardly wait to see who he is going to be this year. Of course he always brings it back to the true Nativity and why we celebrate Christmas. But it is always a treat to be entertained with his great imagination and spontaneity.

I wonder who he will be this year?

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